I wish to design a buck converter for charging 12 V and 7 Ah Lead Acid battery from PV panels.
My panels are:
21.1 V: Open Circuit Voltage (Input to buck converter)
4.12 A: Short Circuit Current (Input to buck converter)
I need buck converter of output 4 A, 15 V = 60 W
I am using IRF 540 MOSFET.
I need to know:
How should I check the resistance of my battery when it acts as a load to Buck Converter?
How should I determine Inductor, Capacitor and Schottky diode values of my buck converter?
What should be the frequency of my PWM for driving MOSFET?
In my Proteus design, when I vary load resistance the voltage drop across load also varies. My duty cylce is set to 66.6%. Till 600k ohms (load) the buck output voltage across load increases to 13 V and and if vary load above 600k ohms the voltage drop starts decreasing from 13 V. Is it normal response of buck converter and do I need to implement feedback to regulate voltage to my desired value for changing loads?