BT long-range antenna

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please choose the high gain antenna to improve long distance for BT communication, which can increase the radiation power.

"Gain is commonly misinterpreted as an increase in output power above unity. Of course, this is impossible since the radiated power would be greater than the original power introduced to the antenna."

As I understand, high gain is not that relevant to omnidirectional antenna.

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omnidirectional and long-range are almost a contradiction in terms when dealing with microwave frequencies

choose what you really want ... long range OR Omni-directional

if you want long range you are going to need high gain which primarily infers a directional antenna

( yes you can improve gain over a dipole by using a co-linear type antenna and still keep Omni-directionality, but they are not as efficient)
These systems are commonly used for repeater and VHF/UHF broadcast transmitter systems


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