* You need a stable, low impedance GND wiring
--> I recommend a solid GND plane
All supplies need at least one big bulk capacitor
--> update schematic and circuit
* use high speed (ceramics) capacitors at each supply pin of each load
--> update schematic and circuit
* you drive the low side Mosfet gate with 5V only
--> either use a suitable "logic level Mosfet" or change the drive voltage (circuit)
* Why 2k2 (4×. They just make voltage rise unnecessary slow and increase Mosfet power dissipation)
--> replace them with 100R (to avoid ringing. Set dead time with software. You may omit the diodes)
* Why R1, R10 (they decrease bootstrap performance)
--> short them (after you added the supply Cs)
* Why R4, R5 (they decrease bootstrap performance)
--> short them
* Why D7, D8 (They are useless)
--> You may omit them
It should attenuate PWM frequency (8000Hz), but should give fast response (maybe 10Hz) of average current
I recommend to use fc = about sqrt(8000Hz x 10Hz) = about 300Hz
To suppress 8kHz amplitude to less than 1% you need at least 2nd order LPF
* C3 is useless
--> you may omit it
* replace R6 with about 26k (to act as LPF)
* add about 40nF across R7 (to act as LPF)
* replace R8 with about 1k5 to set gain of about 7.7. This gives about 3V output for 4A bridge GND pin current)
* replace D9 with 100R ( to generate stable ADC source)
I used "why" when your circuit is not according datasheet..--> Use the datasheet and application notes.
(Maybe you have an explanation for the modifications, maybe you used circuit from the internet - and maybe the modifications make sense for other applications...but I don't see a benefit for your application)