box method in ADS momentum?

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Newbie level 5
Dec 10, 2010
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What is box method to give size of substrate in ADS momentum?

Boxes and waveguides enable you to specify substrate boundaries in the horizontal direction. A box enables you to set boundaries on four sides of the substrate. A waveguide enables you to set boundaries on two sides. These effects are available only when using the Momentum(microwave) simulation mode, and not with the Momemtum RF mode.

How box method is performed in ADS momentum?

1. Choose Momentum-->Box-Waveguide-->Add Box
2. Insert box using one of the following two methods:
A. Position teh mouse and click to define a corner of the box. Move the mouse to the diagonal corner and click.
B. From the layout menu bar choose Insert --> Coordinate Entry and use the Coordinate Entry X and Coordinate Entry Y fields to specify a corner of the box. Click Apply. enter the coordinate of the diagonal corner and click Apply. Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box.

Thanks Alot :grin:

---------- Post added at 16:20 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

The size of this box shows the size of substrate? and with this box we can give our design to manufacture antenna?

---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

What does this box shows? does it represent the size of substrate or ground plane in 'gerber' file needed for fabrication of antenna?

Adding box will give you precise results in case that you actually have box in your design.
It does't have to do anything with fabrication.

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