Bower & Wilkins - SMPS/Power Supply - Voltage Ratings and Pin Configuration - Zeppelin Speakers


Jul 2, 2024
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I have a B&W Zepellin Speaker which won't turn on. I returned from a vacation to find all my electrical equipments turned off ( I guess there was a power surge, tripping everything off). All other appliances restarted fine but my speakers are no longer turning on.

My preliminary google search says that the SMPS is blown out. I watched a lot of videos and read a bunch of forums where people have reported issues with the SMPS (components burnt, etc.). However in my case the SMPS looks neat.

I would want to use a multimeter to check if I am getting the desired voltage output or not. I see the output written on the yellow thing but I am not sur ehow to check.
Can someone please guide me on what outputs should I expect and which probes are for ground vs live? Also, what are these 2 output cables for? One with the 3 pins and the other with 6?


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los tres condensadores de 1500mF están hinchados. Leí que ese fallo daba luz blanca y sin respuesta del aparato. Es fácil y barato sustituirlos y probar.

The three 1500mF capacitors are inflated. I have read that this fault gave a white light and no response from the device. It is easy and cheap to replace them and try again.
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