bout electronics related mcq's.....

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Jul 22, 2006
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electronics mcqs

1) What is the distance between the EHV lines?
a)8m b)11m c)4m d)14m

2) At present how many HVDC lines are there in india?
a)none b)one c)two d)more than two

3) What is the approximate peak overshoot for a unity feedback system with damping factor 0.6?
a)10% b)5% c)15% d)20%

4) What is the distance between the EHV lines and earth?
a)8m b)11m c)18m d)15m

5) What happens to the value of inductance when self GMD is doubled?

6) At what frequency corona loss is more?
a) 50Hz
b) 60Hz

7) Burden of current transformers is measured in..
a) Watts
b) Volt Amperes
c) Ampere Hours
d) Joules

8) Large no of thyristors are used in HVDC transmission to improve______
a) current rating
b) voltage rating
c) Thyristers are available at high ratings

9) _________is connected to reduce frequency errors in ammeter.
a) shunt capacitor
b) series inductance
c) shunt inductance

10)The principle used in megger?
a) electrostatic effect
b) magnetic effect
c) Induction effect

electronics mcq

> damping is proportional to gain, sqrtof gain, 1/gain or 1/sqrt of gain

> In electrodynamometer type wattmeter the error is due to..
a) pressure coil inductance
b) pressure coil resistance

> In distribution lines_____
a) X/R<0.1
b) X/R>10
c) X/R>1
d) X/R<0.01

> In EHV lines _____
a) X/R=10
b) X/R=100
> Insulators in EHV lines are designed based on_____
a) switching voltages
b) peak voltages
c) corona
d) lightning voltages
> The value of restriking voltage depends on______
a) inductance of line
b) capacitance of line
c) both
d) none

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