Advanced Member level 6
We seek a Boost PFC controller which bypass's its normal slow voltage feedback loop and has a very fast feedback loop whenever vout falls below
a certain settable threshold.
This is not a digikey searchable feature unfortunately.
The UCC28070 has it , but only in mild , partial form...(a mere 100uA current source charges up the error amplifier feedback caps when the vout falls below x volts.)
We want one that , as soon as vout falls below the (settable) threshold voltage, then it suddenly cracks into its maximum possible power delivery mode, and restores the vout
rapidly into the range above the threshold.
Do you know of such a controller?
We seek a Boost PFC controller which bypass's its normal slow voltage feedback loop and has a very fast feedback loop whenever vout falls below
a certain settable threshold.
This is not a digikey searchable feature unfortunately.
The UCC28070 has it , but only in mild , partial form...(a mere 100uA current source charges up the error amplifier feedback caps when the vout falls below x volts.)
UCC28070 data sheet, product information and support |
TI’s UCC28070 is a Two-phase Interleaved continuous conduction mode (CCM) PFC controller. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
We want one that , as soon as vout falls below the (settable) threshold voltage, then it suddenly cracks into its maximum possible power delivery mode, and restores the vout
rapidly into the range above the threshold.
Do you know of such a controller?