Junior Member level 3

Boost Converter : Current oscilation Problems
I'm using a Boost converter, at a 15kHz Switching frequency. I'm using a coupled inductor with a value of 2X1600uH.
I'm using a IGBT module where i am switching the bottom IGBT and the top IGBT is used as diode ( the reverse protection Diode )
The problem is that i'm having oscilations in the current during the switches. I attached a image of it.

Can this be solved with a RC snubber placed across the IGBT? The Vce wave form doesnt show any overshoot.
Can anyone help me understande what could be the problem and how can i solve it ?
Best Regards
I'm using a Boost converter, at a 15kHz Switching frequency. I'm using a coupled inductor with a value of 2X1600uH.
I'm using a IGBT module where i am switching the bottom IGBT and the top IGBT is used as diode ( the reverse protection Diode )
The problem is that i'm having oscilations in the current during the switches. I attached a image of it.

Can this be solved with a RC snubber placed across the IGBT? The Vce wave form doesnt show any overshoot.
Can anyone help me understande what could be the problem and how can i solve it ?
Best Regards