Hello friends,
I am performing the bode plot of my fully differential amplifier,
I am using an oscilloscope with bode plot capability with its own local sine signal generator.
However, the sine generator is single ended, and I since I am interested in the plot at low frequency range, using the transformer balun will be a problem because in my search I see that all baluns are dedicated for RF range,
My testing range should be as low as possible (say 100 Hz) and upto 50 MHz.
So what I am doing for the moment, I connect one of the amplifier inputs at VCM and keep in the same time one output floating, so I am treating the fully-differential amplifier as single-ended input/output.
will this configuration give different value of f-3dB or phase as compared to fully-differential regular setup?
Of course the gain is dropping to the half expected from the fully differential one, but I am counting that in my graph
Thank you for your help in advance