[Opt 31-30] Blackbox design_2_i/TOP_0/U0/USER_LOGIC_I/Integration/MAC/FIFO/fifo (data_fifo) is driving pin I4 of primitive cell design_2_i/TOP_0/lmac_out_phy_frame_value[0]_INST_0. This blackbox cannot be found in the existing library.
Is this a FIFO IP core from ISE you are trying to use? How did you read this file in? Did you start a post synthesis project or did you use read_edif to read in the ngc file.
What version of ISE was the core from and what is the version of the core. Also what version of Vivado are you using?
If possible I would re-generate the cores within Vivado.
What version of ISE was the core from and what is the version of the core. Also what version of Vivado are you using?
If possible I would re-generate the cores within Vivado.
I am using ise 14.4 ,vivado 13.3.The ip core is fifo 9.3 version.It worked fine when i changed hierarchy update to manual compile order in vivado design source window.
Okay, I understand that you're migrating an ISE project to Vivado. I had the same issue with having to use manual compile order to get around problems with the cores on a migrated ISE project.