BLDC: where is my BEMF?

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What I want to achieve is: Drive the motor forward while the floating phases generates energy (P=U*I) and recover said energy.

When you say "Synchronizing to the rotor angle is still necessary." I'm still not sure what you mean exactly, do you mean other/better than the synchronizing already provided by the three hall sensors?

When you say "Synchronizing to the rotor angle is still necessary." I'm still not sure what you mean exactly, do you mean other/better than the synchronizing already provided by the three hall sensors?
Hall sensor is fine, but you have initially posted about sensorless BLDC.

I think it's time to put the problem specification explicitly.

Hall sensor is fine, but you have initially posted about sensorless BLDC.

I think it's time to put the problem specification explicitly.

Sorry, the error was mine, I understand what you mean now. I will phrase the problem specification more clearly in a new thread.

Once you have admited this thread was not correctly specified, it will be closed to avoid furhter confusion.

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