For BC817-40 , on first page of datasheet there is a RthJA value given of 357C/W
It is not clear whether or not this is for the case of mounting on PCB of are 40mm * 40mm.
Do you know what is the likely RthJA of BC817-40, when connected to no more copper than 0.8mm tracks coming to the B,C, & E pins?
BC817-40 Datasheet
For BC817-40 , on first page of datasheet there is a RthJA value given of 357C/W
It is not clear whether or not this is for the case of mounting on PCB of are 40mm * 40mm.
Do you know what is the likely RthJA of BC817-40, when connected to no more copper than 0.8mm tracks coming to the B,C, & E pins?
BC817-40 Datasheet