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Beta of BJT is Low when Ic is low. Then, it increases as Ic increases but after some Ic value, Beta starts to fall down. why is that?
I tried to simulate this in LTspice using 2N3904 BJT by ploting Beta vs Ic, it seems Beta always decreases!!
Any thoughts? it came to my mind that the model of this BJT is not correct, I tried two others but the same curve is found.
Beta of BJT is Low when Ic is low. Then, it increases as Ic increases but after some Ic value, Beta starts to fall down. why is that?
I tried to simulate this in LTspice using 2N3904 BJT by ploting Beta vs Ic, it seems Beta always decreases!!
Any thoughts? it came to my mind that the model of this BJT is not correct, I tried two others but the same curve is found.