Big fonts on a 2x16 character lcd (hd44780 based)

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Advanced Member level 2
Oct 7, 2001
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I'm trying to show big numbers on a 2x16 character lcd. For this i defined custom patterns to form big numbers in the CGRAM. But CGRAM is limited so i tried to load the CGRAM with the number that will be displayed at that moment. For example I'm loading 0 to CGRAM and displaying it than i'm loading 1 to CGRAm and displaying it on another place but as soon as the CGRAM changes first number which is 0 also changes to 1. Is there anyway to achieve my purpose and display several big numbers at the same time with this or another method? Thanks.

i think that when you give the command 'set cgram address'
you have not changed the 3bits of your charcter code.

i.e, CGRAMaddress format of '00cccrrr'
you are changing ' rrr' only keeping the same 'ccc' bits.

please verify whether it is due to this .

with regards


Nope, if ccc would be the same i could only print one quadrant of the number. I have 8 memory areas of cgram and i can use it to print 2 big numbers only. But i nedd to print 10 of it. As soon as i change the CGRAM all numbers on the screen are changing.

Of course they are. There is only 8 user definable characters in RAM, if you change the contents then anything displayed will also change because the display is constantly reading from the CGRAM to display those characters.

You will have to be more creative with your font generation so that you can construct any digit from your 8 user definable characters without ever loading new ones.

yes i did exactly like that but a little more space would be perfect.

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