Soldering is the root cause of 99% of all defects in Electronics contract manufacturing. Murphy's Law prevails. If anything can go wrong, it will. Flux drying, surface tension, solder balls, coplanarity issues, blind solder joints requiring Xray Inspection tests, almost opens and almost shorts, fragile joints, insufficient/excess solder, paste shelf life, inconsistency, reflow thermal shadows, etc etc etc...
Step 1 design boards, solder stencils, test fixtures, solder reflow profiles and verification process
Step 2 prove in the design with prototypes and perform root cause on all the failures
Step 3 redesign boards, stencils, assembly process until yields are cost effective for 100pcs, 1k, 10k and verify reliability with HASS.
Making 1-10 of one type may be easy if youare lucky.
Repeats are frequently necessary unless you have 10yrs DFT, DFM, DFX SMT reflow experience in this busness.