Bezier interpolator in an FPGA

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Junior Member level 2
Oct 31, 2005
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bezier interpolator


I am working on a small CNC project. I want to expand it with a curve interpolator.
Does anybody is aware of the FPGA point of view of how to design a Bezier curve with programmable logic?
Suppose I have four reference points, like in figure:
. How to calculate the curve with the aid of an FPGA?
Please, any source of information, example or link will help, especially if it is about the FPGAs.

Thank you!

fpga draw bezier

You can do everything on a FPGA !.. But first you have to do an anylisis of the algorithm .HOW CAN IT BE MAPPED ..What is the NUMERIC representation required .Then how to extract parallelism from the chosen algorithm .Once you are clear on that you can start coding .I just finished a project that involved some INTERPOLATION .But is probably very different .This one was a bivariate polynomial interpolator over a FINITE FIELD .It means that all the arithmetics are computed using galois theory of fields . The algorithm implemented was very sequential so very hard to parallelise .But new research has come up with great approaches ..What i want to convey you .Is that the mapping of the algorithm to a highly parallel plataform may not be easy .But if the area is a HOT one .Look a the latest papers of reseach .NOT BOOKS ..books are very behind in the techniques .Look for the latest published research papers .

good luck ..I felt lost when i started .Even thought i would loose my short .But little by little all started to fall into place !


Well, thank you for the answer. But it didn't helped me.
The coding itself is not a problem. And the parallelism - it's the think FPGAs are the best in. I would like to hear about the algorithm.
It's not hard to find information about the Bezier curves - simply looking at Wikipedia. But it seems that the equations given there are not enough. I miss something that relates that math with the real hardware. In my project I will be given just several reference points - so how to derive the discrete (suitable for FPGA) algorithm and then calculate the curve?
Have you any useful papers on that? Books? Links? Lectures? Information or whatever?

Thank you

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