Best places to put protections such as OTP, OVP, OCP?

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Member level 3
Feb 7, 2022
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Hi Everyone,
I have a question I would highly appreciate any answer.
I am designing a DC-DC Converter - 4 Interleaved Boost then Resonant Converter.
I was wondering where is the best place to put the protections for the converter (Over-temperature, Over-voltage, Over-current).

In your experience:
1. where is the best place to put such protections and why?
2. What is your though process when deciding where to put such protections and when a protection is needed and when it is unnecessary?
3. would you say temperature should be sensed on the hottest point in the circuit or is there more crucial points to consider when placing this sensor?

Thank you.

Begin with whether these are individually good ideas. They start off that way, but "actions have consequences". Give someone a supply transient causing latched OVP and now you require them to power cycle the whole tree to reset somebody who "was already over it". Response to abnormal conditions must comport with application realities. In some niches the customer would rather the part "die trying" than "take a nap while its friends are being shot" (and maybe blowing their cover).

Working through the abnormal conditions scenarios, to desired response, ought to lead you to the "points of leverage" and basic design choices.

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