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Best AVR C compiler below 1000$

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Jan 19, 2005
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IAR is the best, but very expensive. ImageCraft and CodeVision are remained. Witch is better?
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why you should bothering find such expensive compiler, if there is free ware and free cost compiler sucdh as winAVR, from AVRfreaks.

it's open source olso, is there any consideration that you search licence compiler?

ebreh, i agree to use open source compiler like winAVR or wavasm for free.
But if you have some money, i suggest to buy codevision AVR its about 100-150 bucks. there's also a demo version, for free. browse to

I agree using cvAVR because it is easy to use, powerful, and it support many chips from AVR and its cost is not very expensive.
try this link:

i believe they sell cvAVR too

I have used both codevision and Imagecraft, I used 30 days version of imagecraft and I saw that it occupies a large volume of the flash for the same C program of codevision (and it was so bad), both of them have programmers and powerful instructions, but Imagecraft is more expensive. programming with them does't differ so much, I think that is better for you to use Codevision, you can download the trivial version from this site:

you can download Imagecraft from this site:

The IAR is the best of The debug .
Codevision is the best of the visual program

Dear all,

well, i also seekig C complier for my Project.

in Hong Kong, the IAR HK distributor said for student price, they can provide falh price. however, this company not yet reply me about the price.....

codevision, it seems ok although it is so unluck that my source code not yet able to complie.......(*but other groups of student able to do so*). i have e mail to one of the author who write book about AVR with codevision. he said it is the best.

so, i think IAR and codevision is good to consider, then iccAVR, then winAVR

Have you tried GNU tools for AVR?
i agree to use open source compiler like winAVR or wavasm for free.
Agree on that, but those are wrappers,

The packages contains, C Compiler, assembler, simulator and debugger.

GCC, CrossCompiler
gdb, Debuger
uisp, Programmer
avr-libc. LIBC Libraries.

i`m working in a company, and we need only licence compiler.
did anyone tested ICCAVR with code and speed optimizer? how is it?

WEll, actually, i working for a project and have to use the AT86RF211 dev. kit and its C program.

i try :

1> code vision
2> iccAVR (*== ImageCraft AVR*)
3> IAR

for code vision, there are many errors. for iccAVR, there are less errors. i believe it is due to soem missing file for library.

then, i use IAR, after many setting, no error, no warning.

so, i can only rell u IAR is able for me to use......iccAVR, speed...etc..cannot tell u how is it..sorry...

Dear all
Thank you!

I suggest to buy codevision AVR.

best optimization of codesize and easy for use great support.

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