i can understand that ICMR of folded cascode is better than the telescopic one.but how come the voltage swing is higher in folded cascode (telescopic amplifier has current source as load).
i can understand that ICMR of folded cascode is better than the telescopic one.but how come the voltage swing is higher in folded cascode (telescopic amplifier has current source as load).
The tail current source in telescopic cascode makes the swing lesser (by one Vdast which is required to keep it in saturation). This Vdsat reduction is not present for the output swing in the folded cascode, which makes the swing of the folded cascode higher (by atleast Vdsat of the tail current mirror) as compared to a telescopic cascode.
folded cascode compared to telescopic will have the currentsource less,so voltge swing difference of vdsat between the two.
but compared to telescopic it will have more noise,because of the folded legs.
and the speed is more for telescopic than folded.,
but in low voltage designs unable to maintain the swing by telescopic.
Folded Cascoded Amplifier
1. High Gain
2. Improved Bandwidth
3. High Slew rate
4. High stability
5. High input impedance
6. The folded cascode Opamp is useful for moderately low supply voltages, at the cost of some extra current, but has limited performance in sub 1V applications, as well as a limited Vcm(in).
Telescopic Amplifier
Usually provides best trade off between
1. Gain
2. Power dissipation
3. Speed
4. Noise
5. Higher Frequency Capability
1. Output swing is limited and shorting input and output is difficult
Ohh, it's not so bad. If technology provides low-Vt devices we are able to use self-cascodes and also some very low voltage cascode current sources exists which works with minimum voltage drops in the range of 50mV (with 0.5V of MOS threshold voltages) and very high output impendance.
Mixed signal subject , higher rate for power line communication , and I found in computer board designed of a brand of company that minimum transformer.