Full Member level 5

hi everybody as you see the title of this post can guess what level of knowledge i am.
i have browse some forums of this website mostly are expert in electronics so i would like to ask anybody could help me. iwant to make a robot that will detect the PIR sensor and moving according to it detected.
i am target microchip pic16f84a since it it is an 8 bit mcu, and i have some knowledge about its.
i would use two dc motor and l293 as the motor drive for the circuit.
using picbasic to program the mcu.
any suggestion help are welcome
i have browse some forums of this website mostly are expert in electronics so i would like to ask anybody could help me. iwant to make a robot that will detect the PIR sensor and moving according to it detected.
i am target microchip pic16f84a since it it is an 8 bit mcu, and i have some knowledge about its.
i would use two dc motor and l293 as the motor drive for the circuit.
using picbasic to program the mcu.
any suggestion help are welcome