BeagleBone Black no HDMI

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well, I'm using a car batter to power up a monitor (230V) and a BBB at the same time.
BBB is powered through a LM2596 switch mode regulator. (12V -> 5V)
Monitor through a 100W inverter. (12V -> 230V)

It seems like BBB cannot generate a video output when both share the same battery.

Yes, the beagle is really boring in terms of external connections of anything.
I do not know LM2596 .. but I took a look at the datasheet.
I recommend you make an adjustable supply with lm317 +2 N3055. I made a recently, and is able to feed beagleBoneBlack cape + 4.3 ".
I hope this helps.;-)
well, I have LM2596 regulators already. So, isn't there a method to filter whatever the noise before powering up the regulator?

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