I need to provide backup battery supply to a small device.
The device has already a DC power supply. I want to design a circuit between the DC power supply and the device, in order to provide backup battery in case of DC power failure...
The switching circuitry between the two portions can be implemented with a switching diode? Any other ideas or resources on the web?
Connect a diode in series with your DC supply and the circuit, and then connect your battery in series with a diode to the cathode of the other diode. Depending on the voltage of your DC supply, the other diode will conduct and provide backup power.
I can't use 2 diodes serie with power supply and battery. Because the voltage will drop about 0.7V and some microcontrollers can't run at voltage lower than 4.5V. How should I do?
You should be a litle more specifique in your request. For low power aplications see Maxim site, they have lots of supervisor ic capable of
switching from main power supply thru a backup one even using a small coin baterry. Take a look.
For medium power aplications use a lead battery, vey simple and eficient (this subject was already discussed here, search elektroda).