Member level 5

When batteries have a lower capacity then they are rated, is it still okay to base your charge rate on their rated capacity?
I have some 2000mAh AA NIMH that my battery analyzer says only have ~1000mAh capacity.
Is it okay to consider C to be 2AMPs, or should I use C=1AMP when calculating charge rate?
(I've read that NIMH's that are this depleted should be thrown away, but I only use these in my mouse, and they last for a long time in there)
I have some 2000mAh AA NIMH that my battery analyzer says only have ~1000mAh capacity.
Is it okay to consider C to be 2AMPs, or should I use C=1AMP when calculating charge rate?
(I've read that NIMH's that are this depleted should be thrown away, but I only use these in my mouse, and they last for a long time in there)