BATAC power supply inverter

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May 21, 2015
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BATAC power supplies can be either DC or AC. What is the difference between a BATAC power supply to a normal linear or switching power supply. A BATAC is to inverter the DC input voltage into a very high AC output voltage. What are BATAC power supplies mostly used for to power what kind of circuits besides FANS.

BATAC is just a tradename from Rotron the Fan company. Other uses are limited only by your imagination.

To obtain reduction in size, weight, and cost, and to increase
efficiency of the inverters and converters, the use of voltage
step-up and step-down transformers has been avoided. All of
the power conversion fans listed have been wound for a
voltage which is slightly less than the DC input voltage to the
inverter. Thus, fans specified for a 12 VDC inverter are
wound for 10.5 volts, average value, square wave. Those for
115 volts AC input to the converters are usually wound for
150 volts square wave. Custom designs may be available to
run standard off-the-shelf 115V fans or blowers.
On occasion, it is desirable or necessary to operate the fans
from DC or AC inputs (at different times) in the same
equipment. When considering that combination it is useful to
know that the fans listed can be operated from a sine wave
RMS voltage equivalent to the square wave voltage for which
they are designed provided the frequency of the fan voltage is
also the same as the design frequency. Generally, the
equivalent sine wave RMS voltage will be in the neighborhood
of 90 percent of the DC input voltage of the Batac unit and 90
percent of the output voltage of the Deltac units. Because this
is not strictly true for all fans listed, Rotron Application
Engineering should be consulted when such use is being

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