I am havein I , Q each 7 bits
I use cordic to get the phase
here you are
// 7 bit input for x, y
// 8 bit input for phase, including highest order bit (pi)
// reference:
// **broken link removed**
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
module addsub(a,b,sum,control);
parameter size=7;
input [size-1:0] a, b;
input control;
output [size-1:0] sum;
assign sum = control ? (a + b) : (a - b);
module cstage(xin, yin, zin, ain, xout, yout, zout);
parameter shift=0;
parameter zwidth=7;
parameter width=7;
input [width-1:0] xin, yin;
input [zwidth-1:0] zin, ain;
output [width-1:0] xout, yout;
output [zwidth-1:0] zout;
wire control=zin[zwidth-1];
addsub #( width) ax(xin, {{(shift){yin[width-1]}},yin[width-1:shift]}, xout, control);
addsub #( width) ay(yin, {{(shift){xin[width-1]}},xin[width-1:shift]}, yout, ~control);
addsub #(zwidth) az(zin, ain , zout, control);
module cordic(clk, xin, yin, phasein, xout, yout, phaseout);
input clk;
input [6:0] xin, yin;
input [7:0] phasein;
output[6:0] xout, yout;
output[7:0] phaseout;
wire [6:0] xw0, xw1, xw2, xw3, xw4, xw5, xw6, xw7;
wire [6:0] yw0, yw1, yw2, yw3, yw4, yw5, yw6, yw7;
reg [6:0] x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7;
reg [6:0] y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7;
reg [6:0] z0; wire [6:0] zw0;
reg [6:0] z1; wire [6:0] zw1;
reg [5:0] z2; wire [6:0] zw2;
reg [4:0] z3; wire [5:0] zw3;
reg [3:0] z4; wire [4:0] zw4;
reg [2:0] z5; wire [3:0] zw5;
reg [1:0] z6; wire [2:0] zw6;
// signed 16-bit input angle [-64 , 63] represents the range [ -pi/2 , pi/2 )
// atan((0.5).^[0:12]')/(2*pi)*16*4
// floor(atan((0.5).^[0:14]')/(2*pi)*2**(8)+.5)
// keep one high order 0 bit so these are valid signed numbers
wire [6:0] a0 = 32; // pi/4
wire [6:0] a1 = ;16
wire [5:0] a2 = ;8
wire [4:0] a3 = ;4
wire [3:0] a4 = ;2
wire [2:0] a5 = ;1
assign xout = x6;
assign yout = y6;
assign phaseout = z6;
// zero stage: doesn't quite fit the pattern
addsub #(7) ax0 (7'd0, xin, xw0, ~phasein[7]^phasein[6]);
addsub #(7) ay0 (7'd0, yin, yw0, ~phasein[7]^phasein[6]);
assign zw0 = phasein[6:0];
// first stage: can't use cstage because repeat operator of zero is illegal
addsub #(7) ax1 (x0, y0, xw1, z0[6]);
addsub #(7) ay1 (y0, x0, yw1, ~z0[6]);
addsub #(7) az1 (z0, a0, zw1, z0[6]);
cstage #( 1, 7, 7) cs1 (x1, y1, z1, a1, xw2, yw2, zw2);
cstage #( 2, 6, 7) cs2 (x2, y2, z2, a2, xw3, yw3, zw3);
cstage #( 3, 5, 7) cs3 (x3, y3, z3, a3, xw4, yw4, zw4);
cstage #( 4, 4, 7) cs4 (x4, y4, z4, a4, xw5, yw5, zw5);
cstage #( 5, 3, 7) cs5 (x5, y5, z5, a5, xw6, yw6, zw6);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
x0 <= xw0; y0 <= yw0; z0 <= zw0;
x1 <= xw1; y1 <= yw1; z1 <= zw1;
x2 <= xw2; y2 <= yw2; z2 <= zw2;
x3 <= xw3; y3 <= yw3; z3 <= zw3;
x4 <= xw4; y4 <= yw4; z4 <= zw4;
x5 <= xw5; y5 <= yw5; z5 <= zw5;
x6 <= xw6; y6 <= yw6; z6 <= zw6;
am i right ??