amarendrap14 said:
i wanted to know what is the correlation between output impedence and LDO transient load performance . actually i am seening a peak of 20db impedence at around UGB of LDO (dc is only around 0 db). however when we apply transient LOAD the measured dip in LDO output is quit less than by simple impedence calculation.
any explanation??
also is there any better way to measure stability of LDO apart from PM and GM.
how much your output impendance of your circuit will determine how much your LDO output's ripple.
for example your output impedance is 1 ohm at 1 Mhz.
and your output current is vary from 2-4 mA
then your LDO's output ripple is 1 ohm x 2 mA at 1 MHZ.