The delay (group delay) is mostly determined by the filter with the smallest bandwidth.
For a buttworth filter with n=5 (that means it consists of 5 resonators), the delay is about:
Delay = 1.5/BW, Delay in s, BW (bandwidth) in Hz.
If you have filters with very steep skirts (that means n is higher), the delay increases. Filters with less steep skirts/slopes have less delay. From the formula you can see that center frequency has no influence on delay through the filter. So a 10 MHz wide filter at 10 GHz, has same delay as a 10 MHz wide filter at say 500 MHz center frequency.
You can add the delays for all filters that have significant delay. Mixers and transistors have negligible delay (w.r.t. the filtes).
The delay in the formula is not the delay based on the phase shift of the RF signal (between in and output), but the delay of the modulation (base band signal) if you would insert such filter into a system.