basic electronic questions

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Full Member level 4
Dec 7, 2005
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Just curious, the dc battery in our car is rated at 12Vdc rite?? If I touch the positive and negative terminal using our hands, will I experience electric shock??

If I connect those positive and negative terminals with 2 wire jumpers (big wire clippers for cars). Positive side clip it to my left palm, negative to my right, will I experience electric shock??
From wat i understand is no.....anyone??do explain....

PS. : Asking this becoz i watch a movie recently, he did get shock by doing this.....

basic electronic +questions

Based on the mean TBR (right wrist-right ankle) for men and women of roughly 500Ω and assuming that you will start feeling sensations when current reaches ≈0.1A - this gives you ≈50Vdc ..

So, from that point of view, 12V is quite safe voltage ..


PS1> TBR = Total Body Resistance ..
PS2> Maybe you watch to many movies ..

basic eletronic questions

The most common car batteries have a nominal voltage of 13vdc (usually we say 12v) and arround 65 or 75 Amperes.
If you touch it with your hands nothing happend. Try to do it, I do it a lot of times and never hurt myself.
The same happend if you do it with big clippers for cars, and if you want, you could whet the clippers and yourself and nothing bad could happend to you.

I don't know the technical explanation, but I work regulary with cars and never had a problem like you wrote.

Best R.

GuilleMo (AR)

actually i did it b4, thats y I'm asking........
BTW, the movie is Rob B Hood, by jackie chan, nice movie though..............

it is true we wont experience a shock if we touch with hand but why we experience a shock if we touch the wire with our toungue or press the 12v wire between our teeth?

Tounge is a sensor. In human body signals are passed in many ways like with hormones, electric signals etc .... So when you try the battery terminals on the tounge its like a signal for the brain. And brain interprets it as a wierd taste. This even happens with a 1.2v battery.

enggan said:
it is true we wont experience a shock if we touch with hand but why we experience a shock if we touch the wire with our toungue or press the 12v wire between our teeth?

wat dangerous is the current that will pass through ur body, but that acrually depens upon the voltage.
since 12 v is quite small voltage that is un able to pass current through.
it will not hurt u....

To wakaka, only that action you can immitate from the movies, not the action of suitcide by a shortgun or jumping down from a bridge or making love with 5 girls the whole day long.


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