BASCOM and instruction execution times

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Junior Member level 3
Sep 26, 2001
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Hi all.
I´m thinking about starting to use BASCOM AVR, but first I would like to know if I can control execution times with this software.
This is easily achieved when programming in assembler, but when compilers are used, the programmer normaly does´nt have any control on how many clock cicles each instruction takes to execute.
And since I need to develop some timing sensitive applications, I would like to know if BASCOM is diferent, in this aspect.

Thank you all.


Most of compilers, in general C compilers, give you option to generate an assembly listing, interlaced or not with your high level code, so that you can easily (.....relatively easier) check for execution time and decide how optimize your code.

However BASCOM AVR, does not gives for this facility, that is it generate .hex file except for assembly listing. This is true till the version at least. Cannot guarantee if newer versions, if any, have this facility.

For criticals routine (i.e. I/O) you can use inline asm directive, like this:

Ldi R24,1 'load register R24 with the constant 1
St X,R24 ;store 1 into var c

Or, if you have free pins you can set a pin when routine start and reset it when routine elapsed. You must have an oscilloscope.

Or, much better use a C compiler. Even though BASCOM is a compiled basic, claimed for optimized, it is still BASIC. So you cannot have full control how routine you wrote will optimized.

If you want stand at BASIC, you can try FASTAVR BASIC. Try out You should able to download a demo copy.
It generate for asm listing.

Compare between BASCOM and FastAVR, Which one should I choose and why?

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