bang-bang phase detector, What is the meaning "bang-bang"?

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Feb 22, 2022
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bang-bang phase detector or Alexander phase detector, What is the meaning of "bang-bang"?

Poor wording but it means there are two outputs, one for leading phase, one for trailing phase and they are wholly on or off. There is no linear phase difference output as you would get with a PLL, you see a binary on/off output according to the phase difference.


Poor and socially unacceptable wording...

It also means that in the US. But it also means "to strike with a sharp noise". Just because it CAN be used in a "socially unacceptable" form doesn't mean it's ALWAYS "unacceptable". If we were to adhere to your concept of what's acceptable, half of the English language would be unusable.

While vulgary languagage should be avoided in an international forum ...
S*x per se is nothing "socially unacceptable", instead it should be treataed as it is: the most normal thing in live. Without it neither you, nor any other human, nor any other mammal would exist.

I guess in every language there are words used in different meanings. Rather common.


No question about reproduction being a normal biological process but dual "bangs" as asked by "fun-king" is a bit more than a coincidence.


Bang Bang has nothing to do with s*x. It's a song from 1966 written by Sonny Bono.
Don't know where the problem is. It seems it's just weird for you...


I see no tongue-in-cheek implications in his question.
So you think the handle "fun-king" has a sexual reference?
Seriously, I am not sure what uses are there for bang-bang circuit.
Implementation-wise: using both clock edges will have burden on timing closure.
FPGAs are not good for controlling delay and the data transitions are meant to be ignored from say a rising edge to a rising edge. For bang-bang to be useful you need to play with constraints and consider probabilities. Overall I will be impressed if this circuit idea works in FPGAs.

It's useful when you employ circuits that ramp up or ramp down a voltage, for example on a charge pump to generate phase correction voltages. Being digital it may be easier to implement than an analog circuit when designing LSI devices.


I see no tongue-in-cheek implications in his question.
So you think the handle "fun-king" has a sexual reference?
Really? You see no use for a bang-bang control? (or, perhaps you’d prefer to call it a fornicate-fornicate control) Do you have a thermostat in your house? Have you ever designed a circuit with a comparator? Those are bang-bang controls.

FPGAs are not good for controlling delay? They are synchronous devices, and as such, are EXCELLENT at controlling delay within the resolution of the clock.
I did not take it as anything but ordinary, common engineering
term for something that has two states and abruptly switches

And to that point I suggest the difference of interest, is between
this (an output which has NRZ output (potentially) changing on
every phase compare event) and the "charge pump" PD output
style which produces a narrow (RZ) pulsed voltage of either "UP"
or "DOWN" (one of two outputs).

These two styles want slightly different loop amp / filter styles
to get to your clean VTUNE voltage, so you want to know which
kind of phase detector outputs you've got.

bang-bang phase detector or Alexander phase detector, What is the meaning of "bang-bang"?
Another phase detector style is Mueller-Muller phase detector. This is posted by K. Mueller and M. Muller. So the name "Mueller-Muller" is reasonable. But "bang-bang" is nothing to do with its designer Alexander. Why we named it with 'bang-bang'?

Another phase detector style is Mueller-Muller phase detector. This is posted by K. Mueller and M. Muller. So the name "Mueller-Muller" is reasonable. But "bang-bang" is nothing to do with its designer Alexander. Why we named it with 'bang-bang'?
That raises the issue as how names evolve and who names things.
We got names like Fourier (great) but Mealy and Moore, Mulleur and Muller, Goertzel, Murphey etc are less impressive. DCT (Discrete cosine Transform) was founded by Nasir Ahmed, understandably not named Ahmed transform.

Don't get me started on connector terms of male-male, female-female and (bisexual) anaphrodidic power connectors.

Let adult thinking prevail and none of this is socially unacceptable given the context except in the minds of woke adolescents that need to get a grip.

"bang-bang" must be an American abbreviated slang ( sorry for the weekly mass shooting reference in the USA) for the tri-state current pump-up, float . then pump-down during each mixer cycle for Type II phase-frequency type mixers.
As opposed to Totem Pole ( pardon slang use of native symbols) or Bipolar ( pardon the reference to the mentally ill, terrible disease) which are switched logic voltages between high and low, the bang-bang integrator/phase detector ( benefit of Calculus in a capacitor) converts frequency error to phase error using both logic ( to count up/dn cycles >1) and measure phase error with a proportional integrated analog feedback voltage.

- _ - _ -
so there, get over it.
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The OP has the right to ask about naming which seems to be a neglected corner in various fields of technology. The cosmologists used "big bang" for the universe that led to black holes (apologies but are neither holes nor black). To be fair we should really respect Alexander and use their name... Similarly respect Ahmad and name DCT as ADCT (Ahmad Discrete Cosine transform).

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