bandwith of amplifier and delta sigma adc

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Advanced Member level 3
May 25, 2004
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what the relation between bandwith of amplifier and delta sigma adc ?

such as for a two stage delta sigma, samping freq is 1Mhz, signal band width is 5KHz, SNR is 90dB, then the needed bandwith of the amplifier?

i think it is ok for the op's bandwidth to satisfy the setting time, such as 0.1%.

refer to this

Time Constant(ζ)=1/βωt.
For settling to within some accuracy, the settling time need becomes approximately 5ζ within half of system clock(assums taht the duty cycle is 50%). That is just my rough concept.

I have another problem is ,
if we design a 16 bits delta-signma A/D convert , 1v= full swing level .
if use general A/D we need 1/(2^16) = 15uv accuracy .

for delat Sigma AD the previous analog modulator maybe use mesh(or other topology) , the analog modulator really need 16bit accuracy in one bits comparator or not ?

my friends tell me , deltaSigma A/D 16bit , the 16bit
is average data by digital DSP circuit made it , not by analog comparator
how to define analog comparator accuracy ?

refer to this

To mists ,
" i think it is ok for the op's bandwidth to satisfy the setting time, such as 0.1%". Wht is 0.1% not 0.01% ? How to decide this value ?

for delta sigma adc,
accuracy of comparator is not very important. The erro induced will be shaped.

Settling erro is important , it contribute to harmonice distortion.
And bw of amp will affect it. refer to wooley's paper and books .
it gives method to calculate it .

To swicap,
Did you have Wooley's book and papers which can calculate the BW and settling time of opamp ? Would you provide the title of papers or books ?

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