Bandwidth of parallel RLC circuit?

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Why doesn't L have any effect on the bandwidth even if it is present in the circuit like every other element?

Why doesn't L have any effect...
It does. You need the values of both L and C to calculate the resonant frequency.
Then X can be calculated from either L or C because:
X = 1 / (2*pi*F*C) = 2*pi*F*L

It does. You need the values of both L and C to calculate the resonant frequency.
Then X can be calculated from either L or C because:
X = 1 / (2*pi*F*C) = 2*pi*F*L
Hi Godfrey !

You are calculating the resonant frequency by consider both XC and XL equal together so the Fr=1/2pisqrt(LC) but it has nothing to deal with the Band width .
In a short format : in Series RLC circuit BW; R/2*pi*L and in parallel RLC circuit BW: 1/2*pi*R*C ! if it is not clear refer to the circuit analysis textbooks .
Best Luck

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