Thx Guys,
Adding a decouplig capacitor really improved the PSRR, simple and efficient
Thanks soooo much
Now, I have a question, how to size the BG mirror to optimize the TC ?
I am using 0.13 tech, can you suggest a value for both L and W ?
And How to optimize the TC in general ?
I have chosen n=8 for matching, the bias current is 1uA (R1=110k) to reduce consumption and enhance PSRR, By calculations I found that R2 should equal 645k (after a little simulation tweaking)
however I have arbitrarily sized the Tr's
The reultant curve is attached (vref around 1.3)
Is there any thing i am doing wrong ?
I need the difference between maximum and minimum vref to be 1m at most, how ?