band pass filter design

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Sep 25, 2010
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I want to design a bandpass filter with range 50KHz to 2MHz. Can i design it using opamp?
Anyone help me please..


I want to design a bandpass filter with range 50KHz to 2MHz. Can i design it using opamp?
Anyone help me please..

This information is by far not sufficient.
Question: Center frequency to be tuned from 50k to 2 MHz (or bandwidth from 50k....2MHz)?
Any gain/damping requirements in the passband?
No selectivity requirements?

If you have more specific questions, you should tell.

Lower cutoff frequency is 30KHz
Higher cutoff frequency is 3MHz

Centre frequency must be tuned in between..

Lower cutoff frequency is 30KHz
Higher cutoff frequency is 3MHz

Centre frequency must be tuned in between..

That's an interesting specification: Fixed passband (fixed lower/higher cut-off) with a tunable center frequency.
Jerry, please read your answer again.

Iam trying to say it must be tunable i.e. we have to control -> change the lower cut off frequency

Jerry - sorry, but do you know what you are talking about?
A filter that is characterized by its lower cut-off is a high pas filter.
However, in your first posting you spoke about a bandpass.

Some basics:
A bandpass is described by (1) its center frequency (2) its bandwidth (lower und upper cut-off) and (3) by some attenuation requirements inside and outside the bandwidth. This results in a minimum order the transfer function must have.
More than that, if tuning is required, the tuning range is to be given and - a very critical requirement - if the bandwidth or the q-factor must be kept constant.
More than that, tuning requirements must be described in detail: passive R- or C- tuning ? Or electronic tuning (with control voltage) ?

Nobody can give you some hints if you don't deliver sufficient information. Sorry.

If you're not familiar with usual technical terms of filter specification, you may want to sketch the intended transmission characteristics as array of curves.

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