[SOLVED] Backward-difference system is high pass filter?

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Jan 27, 2012
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Can someone prove to me how the backward-difference system is a high pass filter:

y[n] = x[n]-x[n-1]

Mathematically you can z-transform the sequence having:

y(z) = x(z) - z-1*x(z) = x(z)*(1-z-1)

since z-1 = e

H(jω) = 1 - e

Then, after some math, we have the frequency response:

|H(jω)|2 = 4*sin2(ω/2) defined in the rage [-Π,Π]

you can see easily that it is increasing with the frequency.
In a more intuitive way, at zero frequency x = x(n-1) ==> y = 0.
For low frequency the variation of x is slow so that x ≈ x(n-1) ==> y = small value
For high frequency the variation of x is fast so that x ≠ x(n-1) ==> y = high value

By the way x - x(n-1) is the discrete derivative of x
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Thanks a LOT albbg for your help..i couldnt have figured it out that easily..

It would be really helpful if you could show the maths that was involved while deriving the answer. I'm have a similar situation as the question asked and it will help me a lot if you could show the maths. Thank you for your time.

OK, math is:

|H(jω)|2 = |1 - e|2

using Euler formula that is e = cos(ω)+j•sin(ω) we have:

|1 - e|2 = |1 - cos(ω) - j•sin(ω)|2 = [1-cos(ω)]2 + sin2(ω) hence:

|1 - e|2 = 1 + cos2(ω) - 2•cos(ω) + sin2(ω) = 2•[1 - cos(ω)]

but, remembering that sin2(x) = 1/2 - cos(2•x)/2 we will have:

|1 - e|2 = 2•[1 - cos(ω)] = 2•[2•sin2(ω/2)] = 4•sin2(ω/2)
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I am guessing we need to square the frequency response (H(jω)2) to get rid of the imaginary part of the e ? Am I right?

The frequency response is the square of the modulus |H(jω)|2; it is a vector of real numbers.

The square of a complex number is a complex number, in fact consider y = a + jb

y2 = (a + jb)2 = (a + jb)•(a + jb) = a2 - b2 +2jab
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Thank you again albbg

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