AWRstudio and CST :How can i implement on CST to obtain same

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Newbie level 6
Jul 19, 2007
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Hi all

Im working on a project of amlifier on AWR microwave office and CST

, 1) i designed it on AWR, optimized it

2) i exported the layout on CST via .DXF file and designed the circuit on CST

3) i measure the s parameters of the project on cst


4) when i put them on MWO again , the results are very different

so my question :

How can i implement on CST the same enviroment ( ie : same boundary conditions, the same metal,sover settings, the same circuit etc etc ) to obtain a circuit with the behaviour predicted by MWO ?

another question : is the above procedure correct ?


Re: AWRstudio and CST :How can i implement on CST to obtain

Sounds like a question for their support team

Re: AWRstudio and CST :How can i implement on CST to obtain

Hello zb,

First of all no need to export the layout in MWO to MWS in DXF format....
If you have the latest AWR MWO 2007 V7.52 & the CST MWS 2006B then AWR interfaces through EMSocket to MWS & you can launch the MWS in MWO environement...Similar to co-simulation....

If you don't have the latest versions then you need to follow the procedure what you did ...but I am surprised why you are getting problems...
Just setup the Dielectric layers, Metal properties Frequencies & the Mesh/Covergence settings in CST MWS & finnally export the s-parameters in touchstone file format to import in AWR MWO ...

If you still have the problems...send me the MWO project file (*.emp)...
I think I can help you....


Re: AWRstudio and CST :How can i implement on CST to obtain

I wonder exactly what has been exported from AWR. Is it a passive circuit or with some Amplifier? Is it some S-parameter results that had been imported back into AWR? Did you use the circuit simulator in AWR or the field solver EMSight? You should expect the same answers given by the circuit simulator and CST's field solver. Finally, there is no product called "AWRstudio".....

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