AVT 2762 amplifier (100 W on MOSFET [tests]

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Full Member level 4
Nov 30, 2009
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Becouse of small casing dimensions I had to limit construction.
I made some tests. Throught 3 hours I heated the monster, almost for full power.
Mosfets – irfp250n with tme
Transofrmator 2x26,6V about 250-300 BA, electrolyte condensers 4x10mF 50V

The biggest constant power ( sinusoidal or whatever you want to call it) without cutting tops, with long-time test is about 115W (4Ohm).
More information for interested, registered processes on Tektronix oscilloscope. Power take, average value, instantaneous value – all that functions are build in to oscilloscope. There is no current load, I throw away that function on purpose. Test I made with probe also from Tektronix , incredible expensive so I believe, true value.
All load goes to one power amp.
When I put square current, time of growing signal at output was about 3,4 us ( at output about 10V p-p).
That was constant power. Amplifier can be long-time load by it.
About heating process. I tested by lm 35 plugged with conducting paste at the edge of radiator (cross to ventilator so bigger temperature, in theory). With 110W load and ventilators on, radiator goes to maximum 40 degrees. After I had turn off ventilator slowly started to increase. When it reached 50 I started ventilator, and temperatures goes down to 40. Of course after place casing it won’t be so nice.
Text comes from: https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic1509640.html


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