AVR Code Vision or IAR ????

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Junior Member level 1
Nov 3, 2001
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What's the better C compiler for AVR Code Vision or IAR???

Look through the forum at h**p://www.avrfreaks.net/phorum/list.php?f=3. It was descussed many times.

Codevision is easy to use and produce good code. The best part it's the code generator for setting various parts of MCU (timers, initerrupts, ADC etc). Also have good support from the producer. Same low cost range is also ImageCraft with almost similar features. There is also GNU C compiler with the advantage to be free.
IAR is 10 times more expensive then Codevison. It's a little more difficult to acomodate with all the stuffy settings but it worth. Produce shorter code then other compilers (don't forget that AVR core have been designed together with the IAR guys).


hi ...

for advanced project codevision is not a choice. I would choose from iar or gcc. Do not forget iar is c++. You will write small code faster and easier in codevision but as project gets more complex than it gets complicated. In IAR you have to write everything from the scratch or use other sources but the final code forks very fine. You can see it on some complex projects like AVR EIT(embeded internet toolkit) where atmel used IAR for their code. Other complex project like Ethernut or yampp are using GCC.



marie65 said:
IAR is 10 times more expensive then Codevison. It's a little more difficult to acomodate with all the stuffy settings but it worth. Produce shorter code then other compilers (don't forget that AVR core have been designed together with the IAR guys).

Hi marie65,

IAR is actually 20 times more expensive then Codevision depending on what version you are looking for.
- EW for AVR Light Edition EURO 3000,- ex. VAT.
- EW for AVR Base Line(8k limit) EURO 1000,- ex. VAT.
- EW & MakeApp for AVR full suite EURO 3625,- ex. VAT.
- Codevision Light $60 Node-Locked
- Codevision Standard $150 Node-Locked
- Codevision Standard $250 Floating

greetz, venz.

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