AVR ATmega644,32 88,8,128 etc Burner software

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Check circuit of programmer, somewhere you made mistake.

This works 100% and this will work for you also, just try to find where is mistake. Start from circuit, check all diode orientation cathode/anode, resistor values, RS232 connector pins, check ISP pins, check 5V voltage,...

Double check DB9 pins, check where is pin 1 on connector!

Check pins for NPN transistor.

Check did you connect ISP pins to correct pins on uC.

If you use ATMega48 DIP28 pins are :

pin 1 is RESET
pin 18 is MISO
pin 17 is MOSI
pin 19 is SCK
pin 8 is Gnd
pin 7 is Vcc (+5V)

Here is small micro PCB for this programmer, I didnt make photo of this but beleive me its micro.

Note : One correction of Top and Bottom images. Between DB9 pins connections should be removed. I make frame around images. Just make white space between DB9 pins and all ok.
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Dear tpeter,

I program Atmel 89c52 by its programmer i have connect to COM1 PORT serial ,its successfully program the 89c52 ,its mean serial port is working but AVR programmer in electronics-diy.com still cannot work,Please let me know what other problems can be exist?

Check every part, value, place and orientation, mistake is somewhere. Check what you set in software. Check 9-pin connector pins places.

Guaranteed this works.

This is simple circuit.

You are telling true but in my laptop there is some problem I do not find what & where is problem,I will try to another computer.

Dear tpetar,

I hope you are fine , the AVR programmer given in diy-electronics.com is successfully run and program my ATmega16 but how to set fuse bits and internal oscillator at 8MHz. The compiler i am using AVR Studio 4 and Code Vision.

Atmel Studio 6 is large for my laptop thats why i am using AVR studio4 ,

Dear please tell me how to apply fuse bit in compiler or ponyprog.

AVR Studio 4 in More Detail

AVR ATmega16/32 Fuse Bits
**broken link removed**

How to Configure AVR Studio 4 to Talk to an Atmel STK500

Fuse Description

RCEN: By programming this fuse, an internal RC Oscillator is used as the main Master Clock for the MCU. Some AVRs are shipped with this fuse preprogrammed, others not. Check the datasheet to determine the default state of this fuse.

SPIEN: This fuse bit controls the In-System Programming interface. If the fuse is programmed, SPI is allowed. If unprogrammed, the SPI interface is disabled.

RSTDISBL: By programming this fuse the RESET pin is turned into a general IO pin. On some devices the pin is tuned into an IO pin, and on others into an Output only pin. Please read the applicable datasheet carefully to find the details on a given device.

FSTRT: The Fast Start Fuse controls the startup time for the MCU. If you use a ceramic resonator, or a fast-start Oscillator/clock system, you can program this fuse. This will allow the MCU to start running code quicker.

BODEN: By programming this fuse, the internal Brown-out Protection Circuitry inside the AVR is enabled. This circuitry will monitor the voltage and put the AVR in reset state if brownouts occur.

BODLEVEL: If BOD is enabled, the BODLEVEL Fuse will change the Brown-out voltage and Start-up times. This is device dependent. See the applicable datasheet for details.

CKSEL n..0: The CKSEL Fuses decide the delay period and the clock system that are used. The available clocking modes and Start-up times are device dependent. See the applicable datasheet for details.

EESAVE: By programming this fuse, the content of the EEPROM is not erased during a normal Chip Erase cycle. To erase the EEPROM, you will first need to unprogrammed this fuse, then do a Chip Erase.

SUT n..0: The SUT Fuses decide the delay period from the External Reset is released (not active anymore) until the Internal Reset is released; the Start-up time. This period should be selected on the basis of what kind of system clock you are using. If you are using an external clock source, a short Start-up time should be sufficient, but if you are using a crystal that needs a long time to be stable, a longer Start-up time is required.

BOOTRST: The Boot Size Fuses select the size and start address of the Boot section. Boot section is only available in devices with SPM instruction.

BOOTSZ n..0: The Boot Size Fuses select the size and start address of the Boot section. Boot section is only available in devices with SPM instruction.

INTCAP: When this fuse is programmed, the need for external crystal decoupling capacitors is eliminated, thus reducing total system cost. See the datasheet for typical capacitor values.

Please let me know i want to program ATmega1284p but it is not available in Ponyprog ,then how to program this my AVR serial programmer.

How to program AVR studio 4 i am using this, and i have AVR serial programmer given in www.electronics-diy.com.

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Thank you very much dear.I am trying.

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Please let me know after installing AVRISP-U ,when i start it the error occurs in attachment ,how to fix it please tell me.


  • AVRISP-U Error.GIF
    13.9 KB · Views: 71

The value is chip dependable, you have to use your programmer to read the calibration byte value and then apply it in your code.
The calibration byte is used to adjust the internal RC to a 1% accuracy (is I remember correctly) of the given value but if you need accuracy then you should consider adding an external crystal, if not you can also omit the calibration value and have a higher error in the frequency with no problem in the operation of the device.
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