Using a DSO, set it up for infinite persistence, and look at those pins for
extended time, minutes to an hour or so, with board actively in traffic
condition. That will capture the majority of transient conditions the chip has
to power and show you how low the Vdd pin drops in worst case. If thats
out of spec you have your answer. Be careful about probing, placement of
ground probe lead as close to chip Vss pin(s) as possible. Maybe tack a pin
at site for ground clip to attach. If you set it up for color graduated
I would use auto sweep mode, max sampling rate, peak detect mode. If scope
has it color graduated mode to see freq of occurrence between various triggers.
Then do it again for level triggered, set for < min val you say in first acquisition,
to see details of out of spec low transients.
This is not a perfect investigation tool, but should reveal a lot.
If you do not have a DSO build a comparator, construction Manhattan style, right
on top of chip, set its trip to Vdd min, and see if you get any scope triggers that way.
You could add a F-F to it to create a led trig light occured indicator.
Note not all bulk caps have equal performance in bypass applications, polymer tants
best in class(next to MLCC) :
Regards, Dana.