Hello heartfree,
My questions to you.
1. What version of formality are you using
2. Has your svf annotation been 100% successfull?
2.5 You say that there are no failing points, so is your result of verification INCONCLUSIVE? or what?
3. your dc compile script, does it read hierarchial designs to make your 2M big chip. If yes, then you will have to use the svf files corresponding to each of the sub blocks.
What I suspect is that a lot of info from your svf file is missing. Remember there is also a directory that dc makes along with the .svf file which is related to the .svf file. The .svf file refreences this directory, and you cannot move your svf file from where it was generated that eaisly. Because you will have to move the directory as well. The name of this directory will be s'thing like dwsvf_*
So make sure that you collect all svf files corresponding to all sub blocks/modules/designs that your top level is consis of, then look into svf annotation carefully.
If you are using the latest formality i.e 2007_06_SP1, then in the run-log it will show how manv svf operations are 'rejected' i.e not successfully annotated.
Once you know it, then try to find why these are not annotated.
Hope it helps,
Keep writing.