Thanks for pointing to this nice application note. I didn't expect a profound avalanche pulse generator design from this side.
A delay line pulse generator, as utilized in this circuit, is an effective way to achieve rectangular pulses with an avalanche
switch. For 200 V output voltage, you most likely need cascaded transistors.
(See e.g. Benzel,D.M.,Pocha,M.D.,:1000-V,300-ps pulse-generation circuit using silicon avalanche devices.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56 (1985), S. 1456-1458)
It's basically possible to design an avalanche generator with high voltage transistors, using up to 400 - 500 V supply voltage,
but rise times aren't typically better than 2 ns then. Small signal transistors can achieve several 10 V pulse output with some 100 ps risetime.
As far as I'm aware of, Zetex is the only manufacturer offering specified avalanche transistors (at a respective high price)