av this tools: flowchart to SourceCode ?

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I need sourcecode to flowchart tools.

Telelogic do SDL and UML 2.0 tools which convert 'flow-chart'-like graphical state-machines into code, which can be run without any hand-coding except for interfacing. Can run on RTOS (VxWorks) and OS (Solaris, Win32), or bare without an RTOS. Look for Telelogic Tau (SDL) and Tau Generation2 (TauG2) (UML 2.0).

Others vendors/products claiming 100% code-gen are Ilogix Rhapsody and Rational Rose Realtime, but in reality these make you embed C or c++ code in the UML model, then 'code-generate' by the highly complex process of copying it from the model into files.


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