Automated Hematology Analyzer

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Newbie level 5
Nov 6, 2004
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automated hematology analyzer

Hi all

I need the designing project for Automated Hematology Analyzer for counting blood cells

The count principle of the instrument ( analyzer ) is based on the measurement of changes in an electrical resistance produced by a particle passing through line .

hematology automated principle

Thanks for your kind support.
I'd like to give you more details about the concept of the instrument way of working :

a) The blood cells are non-conductive, the
diluent is a good conductor
b) we add liquid to blood
c) The sample blood is diluted in a conductive liquid. There are big differences between them.
e) we measure carrier

automated hematology

May please add information as regards resistance, range and the flow part. Else others are based on image processing from microscopic images and cell size, layer thickness etc.

principle of automated hematology analyzer


You can use AD5933 impedance analyzer - IC designed to measure impedance

you can measure the liquid impedance (liquid dose not have to be conductive - have DC resistance) to know the number of blood cell with in

All the best


principal of working of hematology analyzer

Thanks for replay
I will check it and tell you later

what is automated hematology analyzer

Shall expect answeres to these questions below?
1. When Dilutant is addded, is there any formula for adding a specific amount to certain amount of blood? For example if we have 1ML of blood, what quantity of dilutant is added to the same to measure it.
2. Does dilutants from various companies have the same conductivity?
3. Is a commercial analyser available or you are planning something different?
Good luck

diluent hematology

We know exactly the amount of diluent which should be added.
And we used the same diluent from one company .
The problem is not this .
The problem is how we measure more results from one sign ?

I am planning for a good quantity analyzer
Look to picture in file

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