Auto-Helm for Boat Design Help Needed

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Newbie level 2
Sep 30, 2013
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Hi All;

I'd like to design an Auto-Helm for our boat. What it would do is take a reading from a GPS chip and send a signal to a motor controller to adjust the position of the helm to stay on course.

The input would simply be to mark the current direction as the required heading. So simply push a button and the circuitry would keep that heading.

Other adjustments would be the tolerance of how far off course is permitted before the motor is engaged and how long the motor runs for but this can be adjusted in the software as once it is set, there is no need to adjust.

I have a decent background/understanding of making simple circuits and general electronics as well as basic programming such as QB64.

What I haven't done before is to make an interface to a laptop (option 1) or programming an external micro-controller. I thought this would be a fun first project.

I'm open to any suggestions if it's better to use a laptop where I can program in QB which is easy for me, or if it's better to program an external micro-controller.

So what do I need to get started? I assume I need to become familiar with programming in C? Any suggestions are appreciated. Perhaps someone has a programmable motor controller schematic and software already done that I could use?

Many thanks!!

Maybe usage of GPS coordinate with digital precize compass.

Compass will say direction of boat not GPS coordinate, but GPS coordinates can show actual position.

Plus consider system with touch sreen and TFT, where you can define whole route and system control boat from point to point, even with speed and rest parameters.

I will consider usage of uC platform and not PC for this. This should be dedicated device, very well sealed and waterproof.

I dont know if this exist, but it is wise to have a waterproof GPS locator in every boat lifebelt. Plus some safety options of system such as to not allow boat to be on some longer distance from any GPS locators from boat lifebelts, and such similar things. Plus on this every boat GPS coordinate can be logged on Internet server live periodically on every 1min, 5min,... and access to boat movement and directions history datas can be done from any PC, smart phone which have Internet access with account credentials for that GPS locator. :smile:

For programming you mention knowledge in Basic, then you can try MikroBasic compiler or any other similar. I will suggest MikroC.

Microcontroller choice depends on the design and features what you plan to make and to have. If you plan to use TFT screens and larger screens, ARM platform will be appropriate. GLCD 128x64 and larger can be good with PIC18F, PIC24 families...

Best regards,
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You can go to sparkfun dot com - they have a starter kit Printed Circuit Board for a Microchip DSPIC processor with compass and 3-axis gyro, called the UDB5. And they also have a GPS module EM406A and links to a download site where you can get example code for programming this as an unmanned autonomous vehicle (UAV). That would give you a proven hardware platform to get started with, and working code to study and modify. interfacing this to motors or user interface requires some circuit design work, but alot of the harder stuff is already done for you.


If you search on "arduino auto helm" you will find some efforts on the subject might give you some ideas.

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