Audio signal generator

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 20, 2011
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Ploiesti, Romania
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I designed and build a very simple Wien bridge audio signal generator in the frequency range of 0-10Khz.
It has 2 scales 0-1khz and 1-10khz, and use a Jfet transistor for the negative feedback.
It is powered up from a single 9V baterry and uses a dc-dc converter(LM555) for the minus rail of the LF356.
The generator it's very stable and the output it's variable from 0 to 5V.
The schematic and picture can be found on my site : **broken link removed**
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appreciation to your audio generator build and to your electronic designs in your site.

hey Daniel, nice collection of circuits well done.

I was recently playing with a Wein Bridge osc, results of experiments is in another forum on this site.
I like you way of generating the negative voltage for the op amp using the 555 timer, to be able to run off a single battery.
mine is currently running off 2 x 9V batteries.
I had to laugh at myself, as initially I was wondering what the 555 was for then it suddenly clicked

I had a few probs for a while getting a stable sinewave, but with experiments with different thermistors finally got there. You used the FET, I tried a cct with that but didnt succeed, may try your variation

Again well done with all your activities


Hello asimkumar,

Sorry, I don't have a design for a DDS , maybe you can find elsewhere on internet or another user may help you . Good luck

DDS is comprised of phase accumulator, sine table, DAC. Auxillary functions may be added like frequency modulation or sweep and dithering to increase dynamic range with limited bitwidth, amplitude modulation. The implementation strongly depends on your available resources for the digital hardware, many designs are using programmable logic these days. TTL logic chips and code EPROM have been used with antique DDS designs and are still an option.

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