Audio codec ic

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Full Member level 2
Jun 6, 2012
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Hello Guys,

I am looking for audio ic that can read the data from usb drive and play audio also track can be controlled using any serial interface like usart or i2c.
I am looking for cheap solution.
Also im not sure what it called is Audio codec ic?
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Like this ic but it does not have serial interface to control the track
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Returning to your initial post, you are requesting interface to an USB memory device, this involves an USB host interface, none of the discussed audio codecs has it. Not yet mentioned, but you probably also want to convert MP3 to plain digital audio, this involves a hard- or software MP3 decoder.

A powerful microprocessor can do both jobs, but you shouldn't underestimate the software effort. I remember that building your own MP3 player was a popular DIY project in the 90s, mostly using smaller microprocessors and hardware MP3 decoders.
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Regards, Dana.

Have a look on the FUNCx pin function.
Wow, looks like i can use spi connection.
Thanks i have gone through all the pcm ic's but didnt notice as it not indicated on the pin diagram.
But now im worried about time delay for selection of track and playing the track.
Ill try this ic and posted the result.
If u come across some article using this ic interfaced with spi/i2c please post a link, ill also search for it.
Thanks once again
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IN PCM series from texas instruments it has inbuilt usb host interface.
and PCM2706C, PCM2707C PJT Package those two ic's looks good as they having spi control (not full but sufficient i guess).
im also thinking of making usb interface and software encoder/decoder using pic32 and mplab harmony but it will be time consuming and i still have to use the dac to drive the speaker also we have those two ics.
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sry for the wrong recommendation.

Have a look at this one

The HID interface should be controllable by GPIO pins of the MCU.

But after looking to the price im little disappointed.
Does anyone having the cheaper solution actually im looking to design entire board with in the price of PCM2096c ic, considering microcontroller, 10-12 optocoupler inputs.
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There are also some cheap modul
e available from VIRE they having the usb interface, IR remote control but i dint see any control interface also their ic are impossible to find
take a look here.
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If you want a single chip solution, DAC + USB + ADC (record) +.... take a look at

Here is what is on the chip ( for some of these functions multiple copies, like 4 opamps, 4 DACs, tons of
digital fabric to make multiple copies of digital stuf) -

And also onchip community developed components -

Regards, Dana.

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