Attiny85 Programming

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Newbie level 6
Sep 22, 2010
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Hello, I want to make some simple projects with the Attiny85.
I found **broken link removed** and now looking for C headers to write to the I/O pins and set the mods of the pins. I'm new to AVR programming.
Can you help me with finding a Compiler or a header for Keil?
How can I program the Attiny with the programmer above?
I saw the software they gave at the programmer's page and I think I can handle it, but how am I going to make a hex file for it to read and write.
what about the fuse bits? Is the default setup in the programmer's software ok?

Pheww, a lot of questions

Thanks in advance.

How can I program the Attiny with the programmer above?
u can easily program it through the isp programmer (usb asp), just connect the pins of (MOSI, MISO, SCK, RESET, VCC, GND) of the Attiny85 to the similar pins in the programmer

but how am I going to make a hex file for it to read and write.
u should make a project and compile it and build it then the hex file will be generated.

what about the fuse bits? Is the default setup in the programmer's software ok?
the default setup is ok. I think the clock source is internal RC oscillator of 1MHz.


Thanks for the replay!

Ok, so now I'm just looking for some C header files to get going. You know, some SFRs and functions to work with

Can you help me with finding a Compiler or a header for Keil?

Keil doesn't support ATMega , or TINY mcu.
Download (or the older version 4 with winavr if you wish)

The simplest programmer you can make is
The one you show is USBasp which is a great one, you just have to use ponyprog or avrdude to program the mcu , it is not supported in AVR studio

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