Hey guys. Hope everyone is doing good.
I have to design a Chebyshev low pass filter. So I suppose I have to change some settings in pspice to set it to 2dB right?
Does anybody know how? I'm sooo lost right now.
Coz if I don't change that, the waveform would be the same as Butterworth filter.
Hey guys. Hope everyone is doing good.
I have to design a Chebyshev low pass filter. So I suppose I have to change some settings in pspice to set it to 2dB right?
I don´t understand your question. I am quite familiar with PSpice, but I cannot see which "settings" you like to change. Design your filter, perform an ac analysis and check the response. That´s all !
May be you've some sort of black box like subcircuit with some parameter that you can change to achieve different behaviour, if this is the situation post the circuit netlist to obtain better help.