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Hi all,
I am working with system which consists of Atmega32 mcu and SHT1x Proto Board. I adapted code from examples for AVR but but with no success. I tested code on simulation and on hardware with same results (see attached picture).
My code is
Does anyone can see where is the problem?
Thanks in advance.
I am working with system which consists of Atmega32 mcu and SHT1x Proto Board. I adapted code from examples for AVR but but with no success. I tested code on simulation and on hardware with same results (see attached picture).
My code is
// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at PORTC2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at PORTC3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at PORTC4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at PORTC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at PORTC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at PORTC7_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at DDC2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at DDC3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at DDC4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at DDC5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at DDC6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at DDC7_bit;
// End LCD module connections
//SHT11 connections
sbit SDA at PORTA7_bit; // Serial data pin
sbit SCL at PORTA6_bit; // Serial clock pin
sbit SDA_Direction at DDA7_bit; // Serial data direction pin
sbit SCL_Direction at DDA6_bit; // Serial clock direction pin
// Constants for calculating temperature and humidity
const unsigned int C1 = 400; // -4
const unsigned int C2 = 405; // 0.0405 (405 * 10^-4)
const unsigned short C3 = 28; // -2.8 * 10^-6 (28 * 10^-7)
const unsigned int D1 = 4000; // -40
const unsigned short D2 = 1; // 0.01
unsigned short i, j;
long int temp, k, SOt, SOrh, Ta_res, Rh_res;
char Ta[16] = "Ta = 000.00 ";
char Rh[16] = "Rh = 000.00 ";
void SHT_Reset() {
SCL = 0; // SCL low
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
for (i = 1; i <= 18; i++) // repeat 18 times
SCL = ~SCL; // invert SCL
void Transmission_Start() {
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
SCL = 1; // SCL high
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SDA_Direction = 1; // define SDA as output
SDA = 0; // SDA low
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 0; // SCL low
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 1; // SCL high
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 0; // SCL low
void MCU_ACK() {
SDA_Direction = 1; // define SDA as output
SDA = 0; // SDA low
SCL = 1; // SCL high
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 0; // SCL low
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
// This function returns temperature or humidity, depends on command
long int Measure(short num) {
j = num; // j = command (0x03 or 0x05)
SHT_Reset(); // procedure for reseting SHT11
Transmission_Start(); // procedure for starting transmission
k = 0; // k = 0
SDA_Direction = 1; // define SDA as output
SCL = 0; // SCL low
for(i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { // repeat 8 times
if (j.F7 == 1) // if bit 7 = 1
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
else { // else (if bit 7 = 0)
SDA_Direction = 1; // define SDA as output
SDA = 0; // SDA low
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 1; // SCL high
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 0; // SCL low
j = j << 1; // move contents of j one place left
SDA_Direction = 0; // define SDA as input
SCL = 1; // SCL high
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
SCL = 0; // SCL low
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
while (SDA == 1) // while SDA is high, do nothing
Delay_us(1); // 1us delay
for (i = 1; i <=16; i++) { // repeat 16 times
k = k << 1; // move contents of k one place left
SCL = 1; // SCL high
if (SDA == 1) // if SDA is high
k = k | 0x0001;
SCL = 0;
if (i == 8) // if counter i = 8 then
MCU_ACK(); // MCU acknowledge
return k; // returns contents of k
void main()
ADCSRA = 0x00;
ACME_bit = 0;
SCL_Direction = 1; // SCL is output
LCD_Init(); // init LCD on PORTB (for EasyPIC3 or lower)
LCD_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // turns of LCD cursor
LCD_Out(1, 7, "SHT11"); // write text on first row, seventh column
LCD_Out(2, 2, "Made by MikroE"); // write text on second row, second column
Delay_ms(2000); // delay 2 sec
LCD_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // clear LCD
Ta[11] = 178; // If you see greek alpha letter try typing 178 instead of 223
Ta[12] = 'C'; // 'C' character
Rh[11] = '%'; // '%' character
while (1) {
// Measuring temperature
SOt = Measure(0x03); // function for measuring (command 0x03 is for temperature)
// Measuring humidity
SOrh = Measure(0x05); // function for measuring (command 0x05 is for humidity)
// Calculating temperature
// Ta_res = D1 + D2 * SOt
if(SOt > D1) // if temperature is positive
Ta_res = SOt * D2 - D1; // calculate temperature
else // else (if temperature is negative)
Ta_res = D1 - SOt * D2; // calculate temperature
// Calculating humidity
// Rh_res = C1 + C2 * SOrh + C3 * SOrh^2
temp = SOrh * SOrh * C3 / 100000; // calculate humidity
Rh_res = SOrh * C2 / 100 - temp - C1; // calculate humidity
// Preparing temperature for LCD
Ta[5] = Ta_res / 10000 + 48; // example: Ta[5] = 12345 / 10000 = 1, 1 + 48 = '1' - ASCII
Ta[6] = Ta_res % 10000 / 1000 + 48; // example: Ta[6] = 12345 % 10000 = 2345, Ta[6] = 2345 / 1000 = 2, 2 + 48 = '2' - ASCII
Ta[7] = Ta_res % 1000 / 100 + 48; // example: Ta[7] = 12345 % 1000 = 345, Ta[7] = 345 / 100 = 3, 3 + 48 = '3' - ASCII
Ta[9] = Ta_res % 100 / 10 + 48; // example: Ta[9] = 12345 % 100 = 45, Ta[9] = 45 / 10 = 4, 4 + 48 = '4' - ASCII
Ta[10] = Ta_res % 10 + 48; // example: Ta[10] = 12345 % 10 = 5, 5 + 48 = '5' - ASCII
// Preparing humidity for LCD
Rh[5] = Rh_res / 10000 + 48; // example: Rh[5] = 12345 / 10000 = 1, 1 + 48 = '1' - ASCII
Rh[6] = Rh_res % 10000 / 1000 + 48; // example: Rh[6] = 12345 % 10000 = 2345, Rh[6] = 2345 / 1000 = 2, 2 + 48 = '2' - ASCII
Rh[7] = Rh_res % 1000 / 100 + 48; // example: Rh[7] = 12345 % 1000 = 345, Rh[7] = 345 / 100 = 3, 3 + 48 = '3' - ASCII
Rh[9] = Rh_res % 100 / 10 + 48; // example: Rh[9] = 12345 % 100 = 45, Rh[9] = 45 / 10 = 4, 4 + 48 = '4' - ASCII
Rh[10] = Rh_res % 10 + 48; // example: Rh[10] = 12345 % 10 = 5, 5 + 48 = '5' - ASCII
// delete unnecessary digits (zeros)
if (Ta[5] == '0') // if Ta[5] = '0' then
Ta[5] = ' '; // insert blank character to Ta[5]
if (Ta[5] == ' ' && Ta[6] == '0') // if Ta[5] is blank and Ta[6] = '0' then
Ta[6] = ' '; // insert blank character to Ta[6]
if (Rh[5] == '0') // if Ta[5] = '0' then
Rh[5] = ' '; // insert blank character to Ta[5]
if (Rh[5] == ' ' && Rh[6] == '0') // if Ta[5] is blank and Ta[6] = '0' then
Rh[6] = ' '; // insert blank character to Ta[6]
// Display temperature on LCD
Lcd_Out(1, 1, Ta); // display temperature on first row, i column
// Display humidity on LCD
Lcd_Out(2, 1, Rh); // display humidity on second row, i column
Delay_ms(700); // delay 700ms
Does anyone can see where is the problem?
Thanks in advance.